Experience. Innovation. Environment.

  • Everything begins from
    simple color pigments

    The steady research to find the best chemicals for any kind of skin
    and for any kind of application.
  • Skilled hands to perform
    a perfect application on any material.

  • Always on the side
    of our planet


Welcome in our world, here you will find respect for tradition end environement, great professionality and cordiality.


Edelchem was created out of a great experience and passion for the development and application of chemicals for leather. Experience and passion that have been passed on from generations in our territory and that account for the quality and beauty of our manuafacts.


Innovation comes from culture and knowledge of the past and it is out of the best past that we will create a better future. Culture, knowledge, conscience, responsibility.

Ecology, Environment


great attention to the effects on the environment in every processing step, with a “green” attitude. We have developed, in our laboratories, a metal-free process from tanning-retanning to finishing, it will be our challenge for a better world.


Edelchem has worked up new technologies to make leathers with the three characteristics that allow to be at the heart of the global market.

Enhancement of
poor products

touch and look

Attention to meet the growing requests
for sustainability by fashion brands